Monday, January 10, 2011

Few comics

after WWH, Hercules and that smart ass boy get a comic book reblacing Hulk comic !
i was thinking these will be bad, herc wasint a intersting charchter to me and i was thing that bad idea, but no these is one onf the best titles i ever read these year .
nice story and have lots of good ideas.

Green arrow one of my fav heros, even that cry for justess was crap (i think) but it evolve all the-arrow family characters

nice mini serice

i think these story will be beter later

i re-read the 1st uncle scroog comic and it is great, i amesed how these comic didn't aged a bit
it stell funny and have good art and gr8 ideas

Reign of Doomsday - Steel 01 (2011)
nice i have no idea what going on, it maybey event for superman, errr i hear crosover events
Batman Beyond 01 (2011)
nice start for long missing title, i have hope in the rest of the story ARC
Weird Worlds v2 001 (2011)
Weird comic 3 storys no one make me wana know what will going on next

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