Saturday, January 22, 2011


flash 7-8

tow great re-tealing of top vilins in flash life Cap.bomarang and Dr.ZOOM I just can't bulive how good geofe jones in making Vilines



hulk 1-5

I re-read becous I plan to read all HULK new ARCs they look great, red HULK is the best hulk villens in years



batman 687-691

Dick Greason become batman people know that will happen from the 30's but we finaly there, not that bad



batman and robin 1-16

Epic, story are and new vilens and the REDHOOD Arc was over top



Batman - Orphans

Nice story but can be canfusing



Batman Incorporated 1

Batman in japan, go to train japans batman that look COOL :D, I stop reading cuz I need to read batman arc befor bruse return



Wonder woman 600-605

For the first time in my life I care about wonder women these book make her on my top readings



Wonder women - The_Hiketeia

Same one say it is the best wonder women story I say it one of the best super heros storys , after all how many time we see stragle between relagens and dute with superhero comic .

In these comic WW must deside what side she ill be own , her buleves or law and dute and frindeship that comic so deep and talk about samething never talked about in any comic befor.


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