Thursday, January 10, 2013

My Dr Who blog - Ep 2 - The Daleks

leagth 7 episodes

The Daleks
aka The Mutants
aka The Dead Planet

to tell the truth these is why i start whatch the clasic dr who 
i want to see the daleks in the starts 
and it was 

i know it good for it time and scear lots of peoples of but these not that mach to it 
the daleks are not that good here they dumb (all alines dumb in old sci-fi shows) 

the episode take the daleks lightly after all they have no idea these things will be that big after 50 years 

the episode about to kind of alines live in one planet after war destroy them 
yah i know the lisen is vilonce is bad

the lisen of these episode is 
you must fight, peace for loser 

and the good alines gave good resen why they must not fight 
if they fight more the planet will completly dstroyed 

but no the doctor and the others make them fight the daleks so they can go to the TARDES 
who care if to aline speces gone forever 

and by the end after fast fight the daleks all die

you know what if i was a Daleks i will hate the doctor for all my life

so let keep it short 
4/10 for today stander 8/10 for 1960's stander

i call it longer then it need to be, the daleks not that mach of good alines (not at that point of the show) , but gave us one of the greatest monster that we will never forget about.

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