Monday, December 20, 2010

20th Century Boys trilogy

Today i finsh watching
20th Century Boys trilogy

Grop of kids play using they imagniton
making a story of Heros Vs Evil wear a grop of terorest try to end human kind
and make it into a notebook and forgat about it

after years sameone find that notebook and want to make it into realty

it story of mistory
but it mostly about frindship, and what it mean to be human and alive
over 400 minet of epic story and over 30 cast you will meat epic

i gave these one 8/10
it's great story and great charchters and nice plot but
it is japaness film they acting need more work all japaness film i see tell now is kind of you see in plays >_>

they love to gave speaches

but other thin the acting i think it great film

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